Public Art
Production & Installation

What About Art? produced the public art exhibition Afterlife – How Many Seas, a series of large scale photographs by Raymonde April with her research group Afterlife (Outre-vie in French). The monumental show was part of FOCUS Photography Festival Mumbai 2017 on Bandra's Carter Road promenade.

The exhibition was supported by the Québec Government (Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie, Québec Government Office in Mumbai, Fonds de recherche – Société et culture).

Focus Photography Festival
Raymonde April, Quebec City, June 1978. How Many Seas, 2017, installation view. Photo credit: Raymonde April
Focus Photography Festival
Chih-Chien Wang, Thread of Water, 2015. How Many Seas, 2017, installation view. Photo credit: Raymonde April
Focus Photography Festival
Andrea Szilasi, Fisherman, 2015. How Many Seas, 2017, installation view. Photo credit: Raymonde April
Focus Photography Festival
Bogdan Stoica, Costel, of the Contemporary Slave, 2016. How Many Seas, 2017, installation view. Photo credit: Raymonde April
Focus Photography Festival
Jacques Bellavance, 2016. How Many Seas, 2017, installation view. Photo credit: Raymonde April